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martes, 26 de enero de 2010

Carbon Cutting: Should we capture and store it?

This article says that people are really starting to care about global warming, and the thing they are most worried about is the pollution that the factories create. People say that it is great that we have started to solar and wind powered energy but that for factories it to hard to use them as a source of energy so what they want to do is that instead of letting all the waste of the CO2{carbon dioxide) go to the ozone they will store it under ground. They say that if they do this that in 90 years 55% of the pollution we'll be gone. But there's also a negative part to it because if they store the waste of carbon dioxide under ground the land will start polluting. The author thinks that this is a good idea until scientist find another way. I think that this is a good idea but sooner or later they will start dealing with another problem that is land contamination. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1954176_1954175,00.html

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